TNCs are considered to be transportation solutions of the future, since they offer on-demand, flexible, and practical transportation services for their users. For example, such TNCs as Uber, Via and Lyft lower the number of vehicles on the road, thereby decreasing traffic congestion and the amount of exhaust gasses. The terms “ride-sharing” and “ride-hailing” are frequently used when referring to these services. Although the notions are used interchangeably, they differ in various aspects.
Ride-hailing means a passenger “hails” or requests a private chauffeur online through the application to reach their desired destination. There are no other attendants in the car, and no multiple stops at various locations.
Ride-sharing enables several passengers to reach their location by sharing one means of transport going the same route. The following means of transportation saves fuel and eliminates the quantity of vehicles on the road by making numerous stops during the ride to pick up and drop off customers. Ride-sharing has some social advantages for its users as well because it allows people to interact with their chauffeurs and travel companions.
Large TNCs, including Lyft and Uber offer shared rides to their customers. Accordingly, different clients can hire one driver to get to their destinations in a similar direction. In fact, such services are very economical and environmentally friendly.
Concerns about the growth of ride-hailing
In practice, most of the trips are comprised of ride-hailing ones. According to the study, the percentage of TNC shared trips is 35% across the country. Generally, customers request a trip via the app instead of hailing a taxi on the street. The following tendency eliminates such advantages as reducing air pollution and lowering traffic congestion.
What is more, travel surveys show that just 20% of TNC rides are alternatives for private automobile rides, another 20% for traditional cab services. Eventually, 60% of the trips replace public transportation, going on foot, bicycle or motorbike. This shift to the use of TNCs instead of usual walk, bicycle ride or transit, increases traffic jams on the roads and the level of carbon-dioxide emissions in the environment.
Ride-hailing ranks high among the traditional DRT trips. Are TNCs more affordable?
Demand-response transportation services confront particular operational difficulties, because they provide services to clients who have regular dialysis appointments and who can’t even get in the car on their own. For this reason, DRT frequently offers ride-hailing services rather than ride-sharing ones. Today, running a DRT company is more difficult than ever before due to limited financial resources and staff shortages. For the sake of economy, many businesses reimburse the services of TNCs and other taxi firms because they are significantly affordable in comparison to paratransit.
Only roughly 40% of the cost of the travel is covered by passenger fee; 60% – investor capital, which makes the order seemingly cheaper. There is a difference in price between TNCs and paratransit companies because TNCs operate smaller, simple cars (sedans/vans). Moreover, a big number of paratransit organizations are expanding the variety and quantity of vehicles in their fleet.
Paratransit drivers are highly qualified and well-trained professionals who have expertise in assisting seniors and people with disabilities. Although TNCs can ensure a perfect user experience via the app, most of their chauffeurs don’t have that level of training. Therefore, paratransit and TNCs can not only work independently, but also collaborate because paratransit agencies can satisfy the demands of their certain shared clients.
Microtransit is new generation’s transportation service
Microtransit uses small vehicles to meet people’s transportation needs. Passengers will be more eager to use microtransit cars rather than traditional public transportation means such as buses and underground because they will not have to travel with so many other people.
Cities may reduce the number of traffic jams and accidents, as well as the amount of fuel and carbon output with a very practical solution – ride-sharing. People use applications to order a shared trip at an affordable price in one click. With the advance of microtransit technology, passengers may economize on public transit at the same time reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere and improving the quality of life.